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Fabricia Signorelli Galeti

Brazilian Institute of Psychopharmacology and Pharmacogenetics, Brazil


Fabricia Signorelli Galeti has 13 years of experience as a psychiatrist, specialized in childhood and adolescent psychiatry at the State University of Campinas where she is a member of the Preschoolers Developmental Assessment Outpatients Clinic. She completed Masters degree in Developmental Disorders and she is currently a psychiatrist and researcher at the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and at the Preterms Outpatients Clinic at the Neonatal Division from the Federal University of São Paulo. International Membership American Academy of Child an Adolescent Psychiatry and member of the Scientific Board of the Brazillian Institute of Psychopharmacology and Pharmacogenetics.


Abstract : Helping Kids and Parents during COVID-19 pandemic