Fabricia Signorelli Galeti
Brazilian Institute of Psychopharmacology and Pharmacogenetics, Brazil
Title: Helping Kids and Parents during COVID-19 pandemic
Biography: Fabricia Signorelli Galeti
The Coronavirus Pandemic is a difficult topic for the parents to explain to any child. Parents are faced with the challenge of discussing the evolving coronavirus outbreak with young children. Although these may be difficult conversations, they are also important. The class will talk about how talk about this topic, help to find the right words to talk with children and teens about coronavirus , help children of all ages can understand the basic information about what the coronavirus is and why it is currently such an important topic. When talking to children about Coronavirus it is important for parents to use developmentally-appropriate explanations tailored to the child’s age, verbal ability, and cognitive understanding.When the child has Autism Spectrum Disorder, many of these children process information in a concrete manner, prefer established routines, and need support to understand and interpret emotions. I will talk about how to help children and adolescents with ASD during this period.The other concern point is the notification of your child’s school closing. Children thrive on the routine and also predictability, both of which are in short supply right now for families. Despite the uncertainty, you still can try to foster an environment that includes as much routine and predictability as possible.
And finally, I will talk about the outbreak of COVID-19 that may be stressful for people. Fear and also anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children.