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Marcelo Pombo Novaes Fernandes

Marcelo Pombo Novaes Fernandes



Professor Marcelo Pombo Novaes Fernandes is a Psychoanalyst, Bachelor of Arts, Master in Religion, TEFL Teacher in London, travelled all over the Globe teaching in countries like England, Brazil, Bolívia and China and giving lectures/being invited to talk about human sexuality and religion at Oxford University and several other educational instituitions in Brazil, England, Thailand, Turkey, Poland and Portugal. He also worked as a newspaper columnist where he used to talk about human sexuality and other subjects related to ethics, religion or sociology. He now lives in Portugal where he is doing his second Master, this turn in Anthropology, and is also the vice-president of OGA – Obra Gay Associação (Opus Diversidades), an NGO that works among LGBT community.


Abstract : The Influence of Christianity in the Process of Acceptance of Homosexuality: Guilt and Apostasy